The advent of knowledge economy has not only brought impact to traditional accounting theory but provided opportunity for its developing and reforming. 知识经济的到来,既使传统会计理论受到冲击,又为会计的发展、创新提供了机遇。
Your spreadsheet file contains more than one worksheet or range. Which worksheet or range would you like? Computer-produced spreadsheet is based on this traditional accounting "worksheet". 电子表格文件含有一个以上工作表或区域。请选择合适的工作表或区域:计算机产生的电子表就是基于这种传统的会计“工作表”。
Traditional accounting payment is usually carried out in the way of bank transfer. 传统的会计付款通常是通过银行汇款的方式来进行。
Network accounting is the main trend of accounting development, and it challenges traditional accounting greatly. 网络会计是会计发展的主要趋势,对传统会计是很大的挑战。
The Revision of Traditional Accounting Assumption by Human Resources Accounting Assumption 人力资源会计假设对传统会计假设的修正
In traditional accounting system, the accounting entity is single, the accounting currency is single, and the accounting bookkeeping and accounting report should follow a single accounting rule and system, therefore the accounting book is single. 摘要在传统会计核算系统中,会计的主体是单一的,会计的货币计量单位是单一的,会计记账与会计报告所遵循的会计准则与制度也是单一的,因此账薄是单一的。
On the effect of computerized account on the traditional accounting Discussion on the Impact of the Network Accounting on the Theory of Accounting Assumption 论会计电算化发展对传统会计的影响浅议网络会计对会计假设理论的冲击
This new pattern shocks the idea of narrow vision, microscopic measurement and passive adaptation in traditional accounting practice. 这一新模式对以往会计实践中的狭隘视野、微观计量与被动适应的理念形成冲击。
This article illustrated the characteristics of our country's accounting risks in commercial banks and the challenges of traditional accounting way. 本文对我国商业银行会计风险的特点和商业银行传统的会计核算模式面临的挑战进行了阐述。
Appearance of network accounting wavers accounting entity, continuous operation, accountant period, currency assumption status that accounting suppose continuously in the traditional accounting. 网络会计的出现动摇了传统会计中会计主体、持续经营、会计分期、货币计量等会计假设的地位。
In the net accounting model, the net economic circumstance changes the traditional accountings base, and the traditional accounting hypotheses is not applicable any more. 在网络会计模式下,网络经济环境改变了传统财务会计建立的基础,传统的财务会计假设已不再适用。
Traditional accounting accounts both the V and M of the value of human resources. 传统会计是全面核算了人力资源价值v与m的;
The appointment bookkeeper system is the reform of traditional accounting management system. 会计委派制作为对传统会计组织机构和会计管理体制的改革,其理论依据是经济学中的委托代理理论;
The difference between derivative accounting tools and the traditional accounting theory and practice calls for accounting confirmation and measurement. 就金融创新的衍生金融工具的特点与传统会计理论和实践所产生的差异,导致在具体会计核算上需要进行确认和计量的必要性进行了分析。
So the traditional accounting theory and methods are being challenged severely in measuring and accounting. 作为衍生金融工具的确认和计量,传统的会计理论和会计方法受到了很大的挑战。
The new notion of development will have some impact on the traditional accounting theories and methods. 这种新的发展观必然对传统会计理论及其研究方法产生冲击。
The traditional accounting has not recognized and measured environmental costs independently. 传统会计实务未对环境成本进行单独地确认和计量。
At the same time, they were challenging the traditional accounting theories. 与此同时,也对传统会计理论提出了新的挑战。
First this part introduces the concept and the characteristics and the shortcomings of the traditional accounting income. 本部分首先介绍了传统会计收益的概念和特点,以及存在的缺陷。然后从会计的目标出发论述了传统收益报告改进的动因。
The development and application of internet will certainly affect the traditional accounting information system. 网络的发展和应用必然会对传统的会计信息系统产生深刻的影响。
The coming of knowledge economy challenges traditional accounting, and offers a good chance for its development. 知识经济的到来向传统会计提出了挑战,也为会计的发展与进步创造了契机。
The electronic commerce brings the impact to the traditional accounting and audit. 电子商务对传统的会计和审计带来了冲击。
The present financial innovation makes a great impact on the traditional accounting confirmation, calculation, record and report? 当代金融创新对传统的会计确认、计量、记录和报告形成了巨大影响。
Traditional accounting confirmation and measurement do not fit the economy affairs in many-sides. 传统的会计确认和计量原则出现了多方面的不适应。
The continual innovation of financial instruments gives a great challenge to traditional accounting theory. 金融工具的不断创新对传统的会计理论形成了巨大的挑战。
This paper analyzes on the limitation of traditional accounting information system, discusses on the aims of the reconstruction of accounting information system, studies on the bases of the reconstruction of accounting information system, and probes into the integrated network financial system. 分析了传统会计信息系统的局限性,论述了会计信息系统重构的目标,研究了会计信息系统重构的基础,并对集成的网络财务系统进行了探讨。
Accounting comes into being on the basis that environment resource is worsening and traditional accounting is amended. 环境会计正是在环境资源恶化和修正传统会计的背景下产生的。
Information disclosure regulation of financial derivatives poses a challenge to the traditional accounting theory. 第六章分析了金融衍生工具信息披露监管对传统会计理论的挑战。
In this context, the traditional accounting was challenged, and the social responsibility accounting came into being. 在这种背景下,对传统会计提出了挑战,社会责任会计产生了。
Knowledge economy is giving the traditional accounting system pressure, but also provides a huge space for development. 知识经济给予传统会计系统以巨大压力,但同时也提供了巨大的发展空间。